Terms of Service
Thanks for visiting our website. If you wish to use this website, you must agree to comply and be legally bound by the terms and conditions described below.
We do not provide services or sell products to children. If you are under 18, you can use our website only with the permission and active participation of a parent or legal guardian. If you are a minor, do not provide any personal information to us or other website visitors. - THE PRIVACY POLICY IS PART OF THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS.
Our privacy policy is part of these terms and conditions of use, and is subject to them. You can see our privacy policy on this website. - THE ANTI SPAM POLICY IS PART OF THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS.
Our anti-spam policy is part of these terms and conditions of use, and is subject to them. You can see our anti-spam policy on this website. - MODIFICATIONS AND TERMINATIONS.
These terms and conditions may change from time to time. If such changes are made, they will be effective immediately and we will notify you by means of a notice published on the home page of our website about the changes that have been made. If you do not agree with the changes that have been made, you should not use our website.
We may terminate these terms and conditions of use for any reason and at any time without notice.
If you are concerned about these terms and conditions of use, you should read them each time before using our website. - CONCESSIONAIRE.
You understand and agree that your use of our website is limited and not exclusive as a revocable licensee. We may cancel your license to use our website and access our website, for any reason and without notifying you. - PROPERTY OF THE CONTENT.
All content on our website is our property or our content providers. On behalf of us and our content providers, we claim all property rights, including intellectual property rights, for this content and are not authorized to infringe those rights. We will prosecute to the fullest extent of the law any person who attempts to steal our property.
You agree not to copy the content of our website without our permission. Any request to use our content must be sent to us by contacting us.
If you believe that our intellectual property rights have been infringed by the content of our website, notify us. - DISCLAIMERS AND LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY.
The information on our website is provided as such. You agree that your use of our website is at your sole risk. We reject all warranties of any kind, including, but not limited to, express warranties, legal warranties and implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement. We do not guarantee that our website will always be available, that access is uninterrupted, that it is free of errors, that it meets your requirements, or that any defect on our website is corrected.
You should not necessarily rely on the information on our website and should not be construed as professional advice from us. We do not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of any of the information provided, and we are not responsible for any loss resulting from your confidence in such information.
If your jurisdiction does not allow warranty limitations, this limitation may not apply to you. Your sole and exclusive remedy related to your use of the site will be to discontinue use of the site.
Under no circumstances will we be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential damages (including damages for loss of business, loss of benefits, litigation or the like), special, exemplary, punitive or other, under any legal theory, as a result of or in any way related to our website, the use of your website or the content, even if you are informed of the possibility of such damages.
Our total responsibility for any claim that arises from or is related to our website must not exceed one hundred ($ 100) dollars or its equivalent in pesos and that amount will be used for all other resources you may have against us or our affiliates. Any such claim will be subject to confidential binding arbitration as described later in these terms and conditions of use. - OBSCENE AND OFFENSIVE CONTENT.
We are not responsible for any obscene or offensive content that you receive or see from others while using our website. However, if you receive or view such content, contact us so we can investigate the matter. Although we are not required to do so, we reserve the right to monitor, investigate and eliminate obscene or offensive material posted on our website. - COMPENSATION.
You understand and agree that you will indemnify, defend and keep us and our affiliates free from any liability, loss, claim and expense, including reasonable attorneys' fees, arising from your use of our website or your violation of these terms and conditions. - COMPLIANCE WITH THE APPLICABLE LAW AND THE RESOLUTION OF CONFLICTS.
You agree to obey all applicable laws while using our website.
You agree that the laws of Mexico govern these terms and conditions of use without regard to the provisions relating to conflicts of laws.
You also agree that any dispute between you and us, excluding any claim for infringement of the intellectual property rights we process against you, will be resolved only through confidential binding arbitration according to the commercial arbitration rules of the corresponding Mexican Authorities. All claims must be filed individually and cannot be consolidated in any arbitration with any claim or controversy of any other person. All arbitration must occur in Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico. Each party will cover half of the arbitration fees and costs incurred, and each party is responsible for its own attorney fees. - SEPARABILITY OF THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS.
If a court of competent jurisdiction determines that a part of these terms and conditions of use is not valid or cannot be enforced, that part will be limited or eliminated to the minimum extent necessary so that the rest of these terms and conditions are fully enforceable, and legal. - COMPENSATION.
Some of the products listed on this website are listed with affiliate links, which means that if someone buys the product, I can obtain or not a commission for the sale of the product. Some products I received courtesy in order to provide an honest review. - COMPLETE AGREEMENT.
These terms and conditions, including the policies incorporated in this document by express reference, constitute your total agreement with us regarding your use of our website.